Compression Socks
Metatarsal Pads
Video on correct metatarsal pad placement
Ankle Trilok Brace
Ankle Brace Support
Heel Lifts
Walking Boots
Shoe Sanitizers
Night Splint
Cast Protector
Foot Drop Brace
Dry Foot Treatment
If you have a product that deserves to be on this page, please send us a sample to evaluate.
I would suggest sending 3-5 samples so that we may give it to our patients for feedback.
Please mail the samples to our Irvine office
Attn: Products Review
16405 Sand Canyon Ave
Suite 270
Irvine, CA 92618
Please remember to include your contact information
We have listed products that Dr. Kolodenker recommends to his patients. These are doctor recommended treatment options for various conditions of the foot, ankle or leg. If you are looking for a specific condition or diagnosis, please take a look at the symptoms listed on the right hand side of this page or use the search option on the top right of the screen.